Ensuring Health and Wellness
The health and wellness of the children at TCM is a priority, and we recognize that involves more than just physical health; it also encompasses their social, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. TCM is committed to a holistic approach for health and wellness that addresses the diverse needs of each child across all areas.
Physical Health
Children at TCM receive routine annual wellness check-ups, biannual dental cleanings, and yearly eye exams. TCM partners with a dentist and physicians in our community to ensure that every child has access to the medical care they require. We make sure that children receive timely medical care and screenings to address any illnesses or health concerns. Unless it is a case of emergency, we notify parents in advance, so that they are involved in the medical decisions being made regarding their child.
TCM promotes healthy eating by providing nutritious meals and snacks that ensure children receive the nutrients essential for growth and development. All children are given three balanced meals and a minimum of one snack per day. Our food services staff plan out menus in advance, and each home is provided with the ingredients they need to cook any meals that are not served in the cafeteria. Our community garden provides fresh produce for everyone at TCM.
At TCM, we place a lot of emphasis on being active and encourage children to spend as much time outdoors as weather allows. We have physical activities, sports teams, and outdoor recreational equipment that allow children to stay active and lead healthy lifestyles. In addition to organized basketball and volleyball teams, we have walking tracks, bicycles, RipStiks, a swimming pool with a lifeguard, and playgrounds. During the school day at TCMA, children have recess time as well as a structured physical education class.
Emotional and Mental Health
Emotional and mental health support are integral to a child’s well-being. TCM offers therapy, counseling, and support groups to help children process their emotions and cope with trauma. We have therapists that come to our campus daily to work with children who have been identified as needing specific therapeutic care. Caregivers, educators, and other staff at TCM provide a safe and nurturing environment where children feel heard, understood, and supported.
Social Wellness
Social connections and relationships play a crucial role in a child’s development. TCM strives to foster a sense of community and belonging by promoting positive interactions, teamwork, and communication skills. We offer organized and recreational extracurricular activities as well as other group activities and events that encourage socialization and relationship-building among children.
Spiritual Well-Being
TCM promotes a Christ-centered atmosphere as a source of strength and comfort for children. Our staff provides Christian guidance and encouragement to children, and we offer many daily and weekly opportunities for biblical learning, prayer, and worship. Children participate in daily Bible classes and devotions and attend weekly chapel and worship services.
Through comprehensive programming, a supportive, Christ-centered environment, and collaborative partnerships, TCM empowers children to lead healthy, fulfilling lives both during their time in our care and beyond. By taking a holistic approach to health and wellness, TCM ensures that every child has the opportunity to thrive.
Helping kids Since 1953, because every child deserves hope!