Check out our FAQ sections, where we answer your questions about TCM. You’ll find information about our campus, placements, daily life at TCM, and our various programs. Whether you are a parent looking to place your child, a volunteer, or a supporter, we want to provide clarity and insight into what makes TCM a special place for children in need.

We are so glad you asked! Tupelo Children’s Mansion (TCM) is a residential group home serving families and children in crisis situations. Welcoming the first children in 1953 in Tupelo, Mississippi, the Mansion has provided temporary or long-term care to over a thousand children needing a safe and loving environment. It is recognized as one of the most trusted institutions of its kind!

Our beautiful forty-acre campus includes residence halls, staff housing, a Christian school, a beautiful gymnatorium, several playground areas, a kitchen and dining hall, administrative offices, maintenance facilities, and more! We would love for you to come see us! Call our office to schedule a tour!

Great question! The number of children in residence at any particular time fluctuates between 60 and 90. The Mansion serves between 80 and 120 children per year.

Tupelo Children’s Mansion does not have a definite set of criteria for the placement of children due to the complexities of each situation. A committee reviews all applications and determines what children our program can best serve, whether orphaned, abandoned, abused/neglected or from a family that finds itself in a crisis situation and needs short-term assistance. Please call Children’s Services for more information about placing a child at the Mansion. For emergency situations outside of normal business hours, please call 662-791-7819. You may also email at

Because of the generous financial support of individuals, churches, and businesses, the Mansion can become home to any child in need, regardless of his/her financial resources. At the time of placement, legal guardians and the TCM staff will agree upon any financial commitment required through a service agreement. When applicable, the referring church is also encouraged to send support as well.

Tupelo Children’s Mansion is a residential group home, not a residential treatment center. We do not accept the placement of children who have severe mental health challenges. Due to the lived experiences of our children, we have therapists on staff. However, children needing a placement that would require a full treatment plan and intense therapy would not be serviceable by TCM.

We have six homes on our campus. Full-time houseparents live in the homes with the children, creating a healthy home environment. These are large homes that house 10 to 15 children each. Each home offers a full living room, dining area, kitchen, and separate living space for the full-time houseparent. Some homes have game rooms or study areas. Our houseparents do an incredible job of making each house feel like a home!

Families interested in adoption from TCM should contact our Children’s Services department for specific details.

We are so proud of the excellent education offered at Tupelo Children’s Mansion Academy! Tupelo Children’s Mansion Academy (TCMA) is a part of the overall ministry of TCM. It serves grades K-3 through 12 and is located right here on the Mansion campus.

TCMA utilizes a hybrid of Acellus Academy, which is an online homeschool program, and teacher-taught classes for science, English, and math. Acellus offers a fully-accredited high school program with many elective classes from which all ages benefit. TCMA is also proud of our on-campus library, which the children visit several times each week. In addition, TCMA partners with our local community college, Itawamba Community College, in a dual-credit program for eligible high school students to participate in their junior and senior years. Our children attend school year-round, but the summer is full of hands-on activities and special programs that combine lots of fun with unique educational opportunities.

TCMA offers a variety of activities for the children, including basketball, volleyball, and Bible Quizzing.

The average child resides at the Mansion for 18 – 24 months. We are continually working towards a successful permanency plan.

Children who graduate from Tupelo Children’s Mansion Academy may have several options. Each case is handled in accordance with the best interest of the child and the available resources. Some children will attend college or trade school. Others may find new opportunities near family or loved ones. Whatever they choose, TCM is available to help them realize their dreams.

TCM works with the child and their families (when available) to coordinate a successful plan for college should a child want to pursue higher education. This may include stipends, grants, scholarships, or other available financial support.

Absolutely, please come visit us! This is our home, and we love to have company! You are welcome to visit the campus any time you’re in the Tupelo area. Tours of the campus are given from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday and on Saturdays at 1:00 pm. Weekend tours are given by appointment only.

TCM loves volunteers! If you have a skill, you would like to share with TCM, call us and request a volunteer application!

Our sponsors are the lifeblood of our mission to bring hope. If you would like to join that mission, click here to see the ways you can give! If you have any questions, or would prefer to make your sponsorship commitment by telephone, you may call our office at 662-842-6982.